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small urn

small urn


Urn for ashes – Pets

Petite urne faite à la main en grès blanc – 13cm de diamètre x 11cm de haut 40C$ chaque
Blue with white decoration

Urn for pet ashes

White stoneware handmade urn – 13cm diameter x 11cm high $40 CD each
Blue with a white decoration


Please note that urns are usually made to order.


Please note that urns are usually custom orders.

Items made to order. - Custom Orders


Please contact us by the website, email (info@poterieterredelariviè or by phone (581-398-4277).


Please contact us via the website, email (info@poterieterredelariviere) or by telephone (581-398-4277).


To: Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier

Quebec, Canada

T:   581-398-4277



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